Thursday, April 29, 2010

Participating in the Art Beijing 2010 Contemporary Art Fair

  I'm participating at the Art Beijing 2010 Contemporary Art Fair in the Artists Cinema, with my film "Tranquility Inverted" .
4.29 – 5.2 2010 - VIP PREVIEW : April 29(6pm – 10pm).

“Artists Cinema” is becoming a more and more popular concept nowadays with the prospering video art. As the first photo-video art fair in Asia, “Artists Cinema” invites 10 Asian contemporary video artists to participate the exhibition to follow their lens to feel the passion of video art in Asia.

My time as a member of The Hungry Hearts is over!

I've decided to quit as member of The Hungry Hearts performance band. It's not the happiest decision - I've really, really enjoyed my stay in the group, but there is a time for everything. I have a desire to move on with my own work! Well - it's not just a desire, it's a nessecity... In connection with this, I am moving to Berlin. THH was recently in Japan, and here is samples from the last shoot in Japan:

Thank you to all I've met during my time in The Hungry Hearts!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reportasje om The Hungry Hearts på Nrk!

I forbindelse med one-minutes filmprisen ble det laget en reportasje på Nrk om THH. Denne ble sendt den 12. april. Se reportasjen HER

THH er fortiden i Japan - hvor vi har performance. Bildet over ble tatt på Hotellet i Tokyo.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Performance in Osaka and Kyoto in April!

The Hungry Hearts performance band are going to Japan on April 6th. We will perform in Osaka and Kyoto! Read more here

* Family portrait * 
From the left: Tonje Gjevjon, Henriette Høyskel, Amina Bech, Line Halvorsen and Edith Roth Gjevjon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sak om Beddingwood i Design Int. (magasin)

I nr. 3 av magasinet "Design Interiør" kommer det en sak om serien Beddingwood fra Fredrikstad Mekaniske Verksted / FMV. De kontaktet meg i dag - noe jeg satte veldig pris på..

(Eng.: Beddingwood in Design Interiør - a Norwegian magazine for architecture, interior and art.)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Singularity - Snowball Editions, Kalender March 2010

Singularity on Snowball Editions. Pencil on photograph, 19cm x 26 cm. 2500 NOK / 430 USD* / 313 EUR*.

Go to 

Friday, February 26, 2010

Artists for Haiti

Artists for Haiti / ”Billedkunstnere for Haiti” - an exhibition to support "Save the Children Norway"s work in Haiti, to help victims of the Haiti earthquake. Galleri Pastillen 11.-26. februar 2010.

I donatet two images for the fund raising - and both were sold. Feels good!

Substrata no.4

Monday, January 11, 2010

ALMOST HEAVEN - a pic of a portal in Ocala

A farm in Ocala, Florida.

Why are artists poor

Alle innlegg i debatten som startet med Kronikken "Hvorfor er kunstnere fattige" i Klassekampen 11. januar 2010 kan lastes ned HER  (

Tæring vs. næring innenfor kunstfeltet: har laget en video som omhandler næringskjeden i kunstfeltet on Vimeo.Mer info:

Kunstnere er utviklere og produsenter av kunst. Men for å kunne drive med kunst er kunstnere nødt til å leve som parasitter ... Parasitter på sine ektefeller, sin familie, eller på sine venner, osv. Samtidig opprettes det arbeidsplasser til andre yrkesgrupper..

Hva slags næringskjede er dette? Hhvor kommer gullpotten fra - og hvem får den?